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Showing posts from May 5, 2013

Namespace prefixes in Microsoft Xml Document Transformation's SetAttributes and RemoveAttributes transforms

Link for the Codeplex fork I mention in this article: Get this package from Nuget using the package ID Microsoft.Web.XdtEx . Microsoft recently open-sourced the XDT library that's at the heart of the web.config transformations.  Partner this up with a new feature of Nuget 2.5 which supports the auto-importing of MSBuild .props and .targets files into a project file, and that means I could try something out with XML files in a Xamarin.Android project I'm working on at the moment. I'm building an Android app (obviously) and due to our company's needs, we want to build a vanilla app which can then be re-used for other brands within the same group.  I had the idea that I could create the whole thing as a nuget package, now that Nuget supports the 'MonoAndroid' platform. Deploying code to projects with nuget is easy - and with the partial class model in C# it's simple to deploy a core pl